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Technology Memes that I agree with

Mr Silva

This was me when every side project started with pure FP using Haskell, admire at how beautiful and pure my code was, then I would get frustrated with my progress and lack of real world libraries and then I would switch to Rust, because it still has some Functional features. Then I realize I end up re-writing it over and over to make simple changes partly due to my own lack of Rust expertise. I give up and just use Go. no OOP, no fancy functional features, hardly any safety, looks like plain old C, I detest every time I have to repeat the if-error statement the millionth time, but I get things done!

Scaling problem is a good problem to have. You have a lot of paying users and your newly hired devs will love solving scaling issues.

Although, I want this to be true, it doesn’t really work due to the varying levels of talent, incentives and of course measurements. During the initial days of a company, An Engineer assumes the role of a Product owner, Architect and a Programmer. The initial Engineers that are hired are usual highly motivated and highly skilled and intimately know the product and the customer. But as the company grows, We start measuring things and if you are unaware, let me enlighten you with a few quotes.

“Tell me how you will measure and I’ll tell you how people will behave.” – Eli Goldratt
“Show me the incentives and I will show you the outcome” – Charlie Munger
“When a measure becomes a target, it ceases to be a good measure.” – Marilyn Strathern

and finally,

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